5 Reasons To Market Your Business With Videos

Market Your Business with Videos

From the classic venue of TV ads to today’s streaming platforms, video marketing is a time-tested promotional strategy. Social media has revolutionized video marketing services, making a once high-ticket item much more accessible for companies looking to expand.

Quality content has chosen the winner of web marketing since the advent of the internet. Videos allow an instant personal touch that grabs and holds attention. If you want a snappy way to grab the attention of your website visitors, video marketing is the way to go. Here are our top 5 reasons to add videos to your marketing strategy.

Grab Attention

AttentionThrough video marketing, it is simply easier to get hold of your customers’ limited attention span. Asking visitors to read a brochure and hold their attention with images is so last millennium. All your customers have to do is watch and listen to get the information they need in the shortest possible span of time.

Convey Trust

Seeing a real person or even just a real human voice instantly gives life to your brand. Only 30-40% of a message comes through words; the rest is given through body language, tone, and presentation – all of which is possible through video marketing. Viewers are much more likely to connect with your message if a real person is delivering it.

Ranking Better in Search Results

A video is the SEO jump-starter to make Google love your website. Google owns YouTube, each of which is among the largest search engines on earth. Video content on YouTube boosts your website, giving web marketing, even more, favor with video marketing for SEO purposes.

Even Facebook Prefers Videos

Facebook too has been swept up in the video marketing tide. Videos on Facebook receive nearly 4 billion views every day. With more engaging content, followers are more likely to like, share, or comment, boosting your views further and generating traffic that could become sales.

The Chance of Going Viral

Viewers love to share videos that inspire them, challenge them, or make them laugh. Who says a promotional video can’t-do any of that? With some creativity, your brand can piggyback on the success of particularly enjoyable video with only subtle relevance to your product or service.

Check out our video and find out more on how you can effectively market your business. Our digital marketing strategies for local businesses can help increase your online presence.

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